Podcast interviews on how to market your gym or fitness center and how to convert your gym into a 24 hour fitness center are now live on itunes by searching the keywords fitnessmarketing.tv or Shannon Cook in the search box

Podcast interviews on how to market your gym or fitness center and how to convert your gym into a 24 hour fitness center are now live on itunes by searching the keywords fitnessmarketing.tv or Shannon Cook in the search box

Or you can click here: shannon902.libsyn.com/rss  or copy and paste into your browser, please leave feedback under “write a review” in itunes if the podcast helps you out,  itunes looks for feedback when deciding when to feature a podcast. Thanks, Shannon

Shannon Cook can be reached at fitnessmarketing@comcast.net for questions or for hire for marketing your gym or converting your gym into a 24 hour gym

I have moved this site to WWW.FITNESSMARKETING.TV , so I can use all the tools avaliable on wordpress to help you market your fitness center, gym, or health club cheaply, and how to turn your gym into a 24 hour automated gym

Go to WWW.FITNESSMARKETING.TV  and sign up for my newest post and feeds to learn how to market your fitness center, gym, health club cheaply.

Learn to turn your gym into a 24 hour gym, fitness center, or health club by following my guides and suggestions from my experiences first hand that i paid thousands of wasted dollars to learn what works and what doesn’t when i transferred my gym into a 24 hour automated club.

You can contact me with questions at  fitnessmarketing@comcast.net    thanks, shannon cook

What are the steps I take in Marketing fitness centers, gyms, or health clubs from start to finish, by marketing consultant Shannon Cook

I have set up a system that I use to market fitness centers, or any type of business for that fact.

  1. I start with doing an interview with the business owner called an Opportunity Analysis, because i need to find what you offer that i can turn into a marketing campaign.
  2. I come up with a USP (unique selling proposition) for the business to use in everything they do. This is sometimes called an “elevator pitch”.
  3. Then i implement that USP into everything marketing wise from the staff on the phone to the web site, to the business cards and everything in between. This one thing has brought me more business than almost all the others because it ties it all together.
  4. I write press releases for the news papers, tv and radio to get noticed for free.
  5. I write copy for all of the above that will catch the attention of prospects, I’m not trying to win any awards for graphics or slogans, they sound good but you really must spend money like coke or pepsi to be successful to do that type of slogan marketing. Its like throwing a granade out and only hitting a few people, i like to concentrate on people that are actually interested in what im offering.
  6.  I then teach you all the tricks that i do for direct marketing and for your website that you will continue to use for years to come that will actually be done after you get the prospect on your list to send mail outs or e-mails to that sooner or later will bring them in without bugging them to death and end up hating you like so many businesses do that send too many offers too often and without any useable content that is valuable to them.

There’s only two ways my prospects get off my list of mailings or emails:

  • Asked to be taken off
  • or Die

I will show you how I get these prospects from an e-mail opt-in form on my web site to using a list broker to get the names and addresses of the people that fit my criteria.

I NEVER COLD CALL, EVER!!! i hate this form of marketing more than any out there. Many gym’s do it, but i don’t waste my time on it, i don’t have to.

Shannon Cook is for hire to help you open your 24 hour automated gym or turn your gym into a 24 hour gym, or as a marketing consultant, by contacting     templegym@comcast.net

I learned about marketing my fitness center from Andrew Lock, Dan Kennedy, and Yanik Silver

When i started learning marketing i found a podcast from Internet business mastery on ITUNES. I had my eyes opened to offline marketing as much as online marketing by Sterling and Jay, the guys who run the site and podcast.
They gave me so many free tips and really didn’t try to sell me anything, that’s what attracted me to their podcast and site.

From them I learned about Andrew Lock, Dan Kennedy, Yanik Silver, and many more of the giants of marketing that i have never heard of before.

Of coarse i heard of the big marketers like Donny Douche from the BIG IDEA show on CNBC nightly at 9pm monday through friday. I love Donny’s show, it really helps people, but as far as his marketing company goes it couldn’t help me much because they only really do brand building, which i cant afford.

Anyway, I started researching all these people like Dan Kennedy who taught all the others how to direct market and they all took it online and make millions every year by being really smart.

Dan Kennedy has written many books that go by the title NO B.S. ……, he also has a newsletter monthly and many products for online and offline marketing. He doesn’t like online marketing much and does all his teachings on offline marketing, but has partners that teach his system transferred to online marketing.

Then you have Yanik Silver who helped his father with his business by doing direct mail marketing and then started his own online marketing stuff and has been very successful, and all of these people have very successful seminars they do every year and many speaking events they attend.

Then you have the most down to earth of all of them which is Andrew Lock from the UK, but now lives in America. He offers better and more cost efficient marketing materials and tips that all the others. it’s not cheap, but for the amount of material you get from him on his websites and in the mail, it’s a great deal. He has a personal web site at http://www.andrewlock.com , and then there’s his free web show he does once a week or every 2 weeks. You can see a preview of it here at this link below.

These are some of the marketers i have learned the most from. I have invested many thousands of $ and many , many hours studying so i could learn to market my own businesses successfully. I’m making a list of books that i have learned from also that I’ll post later.

Here’s Andrew’s show from www.helpmybusinesssucks.com

Should you allow the BIG MARKETING COMPANIES to come into your gym, fitness center, or health club to do your marketing or use someone smaller who has been in the trenches?

Should you allow some BIG marketing company to come in and take over your gym and tell you what to charge, who to market to, and when to market, and then leave you with the cheap members that will never respect you when your prices go back to normal rates?

Well, you can guess what my answer is can’t you?


Here’s why

  • They come in and lower your rates to 19.95 or less per month
  • They intimidate your staff and members into doing things they will regret like, pressuring existing signing up for too long of a contract and causing them to not resign again, and making your employees feel like they have to pressure new members to sign up for longer than they want to thereby causing most of them to default on their contracts by closing their checking accounts or canceling their credit cards.
  • They also take all the income from all the first members that sign up until their initial investment is covered.
  • They then take 1/2 of the rest of the contracts they sing up or you  sign up anytime you run one of their campaigns.
  • Then lastly, they leave you with the cheap members that they attracted by their campaigns. This is the worst of all the above. I tried to be the low price leader for the first two years i was in business, and had tragic results. I got all the cheap people that were so cheap they would “look over their glasses to keep from wearing them out”. I had them fuss about everything from wanting a special piece of equipment to the color of the walls to wanting childcare when we told them we didn’t have it in the first place.


When you go to the websites of these big companies, and please do, you will see all the testimonials from “BIG GYM OWNERS” saying they made them $250,000 in 3 months. Well what they don’t tell you is that’s the total contract amount from signing up members for 2 years and that’s including the amount they paid the company, then they get their take. si in the end they might end up with $100,000 and that’s before taxes and then its spread out over 2 years in most cases.

I have increased my membership by 200% in 8 months and while raising my prices by 30% and lowering my labor by 300%.

I love marketing because I took the time to invent my own specialized marketing campaign for gyms of all types and it worked. From fitness centers, gymnastics clubs, karate studios, etc…   any kind of gym type membership club can use my system.

If you would like to ask Shannon Cook any questions, contact me by e-mailing templegym@comcast.net


For More Fitness Marketing Consulting go to www.fitnessmarketing.tv

For More Fitness Marketing Consulting post and gym marketing articles go to www.fitnessmarketing.tv for alot more post on a wide range of gym marketing materials. Please post your questions or tell me what you would like to see in future post at fitnessmarketing.tv and i will do my best to post on them.  I own a 24 hour health club in Northport, Alabama that i took from 60 members to over 300 in less than a year and its my mission to teach other gym owners how to grow their gym memberships through copywriting and marketing tactics that other gyms don’t use.

Should you have your security system for your fitness center monitored by a company.

Go to www.fitnessmarketing.tv to see the full post and learn fully how to market your gym, health club, or fitness center and also turn your gym into a 24 hour fitness center. learn how to write sales letters for your gym and learn secrets to making your website bring in customers.

LAST POST HERE: All new post from now on will be done at my new site at FITNESSMARKETING.TV

Please click here fitnessmarketing.tv  to be taken to my other new post like “how to start a 24 hour gym or regular gym from scratch.

thanks, shannon   fitnessmarketing@comcast.net

May 2024

ADT advertising plans for gyms-fitness center-health clubs Andrew Lock Automate a gym buy an existing fitness center buy an existing gym buy an existing health club buying a fitness center cheaply open a health club Choosing a security system for a fitness facility Choosing a security system for a gym Choosing a security system for a health club copywriting Dan Kennedy direct marketing direct marketing for health clubs-gyms-fitness centers fitness center fitness center lawsuits fitness center marketing fitness center marketing consultant fitness center marketing plans fitness center software fitness center websites fitness facility fitness marketing fitnessmarketing.tv fitness marketing course gym gym marketing gym marketing companies gym marketing consultant gymnastics marketing Gym software gym websites health club health club lawsuits health club marketing health club marketing cours Health club software health club websites how to market my fitness center how to market my gym how to open a 24 hour automated gym how to open a fitness center how to open a gym how to open a health club cheap IBM podcast internet marketing learn marketing learn to market my business market health clubs marketing marketing campaigns marketing consultant marketing consultant to the health club industry marketing fitness centers marketing gyms marketing health clubs market your fitness center market your gym market your health club market your health club-gym-fitness center almost free open a 24 hour automated gym open a 24 hour fitness facility open a 24 hour gym open a 24 hour health club open a gym from scratch podcast sales letters software for fitness centers software for gyms software for health clubs turn your gym into a 24 hour fitness center writing a radio ad Yanik Silver